Päivölänlaakso school
To learn more about Päivölänlaakso school and educational visits you can contact the principle. Contact details can be found on the Finnish-speaking site.

Päivölänlaakso School is a sensory-friendly school completed in 2019. Our school culture is built on providing children a sense of security through interaction and caring. The school has about 240 students in years 1 to 6. The school also houses the preschoolers of Päivölänkaari daycare centre.
In Päivölänlaakso, wellbeing is created by noticing the positives, respecting pupils and encouraging participation. Teaching emphasises the learning of study skills and the practice of future skills through positive pedagogy. Learning takes place in interaction with other students and adults in the school, using different ways of working in diverse learning environments. Collaboration takes place creatively and across class boundaries. Children are taught to discover and use their strengths and take responsibility for their own learning according to their age level.
Cooperation between the school and homes is carried out in the spirit of educational partnership: through dialogue by listening, respecting and trusting.