Accessible library
Kerava Library wants all city residents to be able to use the library's services. The library collaborates with Accessible Library Celia, the Multilingual Library and volunteer friends of the library, among others, to ensure the highest quality of service to special needs groups.
Parking spaces for people with reduced mobility are found on Paasikivenkatu and in the Veturiaukio car park. The distance from the Paasikivenkatu parking spaces to the library is about 30 meters. The Veturiaukio car park is about 150 meters from the library.
The accessible entrance is located on the left side of the main entrance on the side of the fountain pool.
The accessible toilet is located in the lobby. Ask the staff to open the door.
Assistance dogs are welcome in the library.
An audio induction loop system is used in public events in Pentinkulma-sali, with the exception of concerts.
Celia’s audiobooks can be used by anyone with difficulties reading printed book due to a disability, illness or learning difficulties.
You can join Celia’s free audiobook service at your own library. When joining, you do not need to present a certificate or medical statement about the reason for your print disability. Your own verbal confirmation is sufficient.
To use the services, you need an internet connection and a device suitable for listening, such as a computer, smartphone or tablet. Contact your library if you want to register as Celia’s customer. When registering, we check the identity of the customer or his or her guardian or contact person.
Celia is an centre of excellence of accessible literature and publishing and part of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The library is open to everyone. From the library, you can borrow books, magazines, DVD and Blu-ray films, music on CDs and LPs, board games, console games and sports equipment. The library serves children, adolescents and adults. The library is free to use.
To borrow from the collections, you need a library card. You can get a library card from the library by presenting your photo ID. The same library card is valid in the libraries of Kerava, Järvenpää, Mäntsälä and Tuusula.
At the library, you can also use public computers and print and copy materials. The library’s books and other collections can be found in the Kirkes online library. Go to the online library.
What is a library? How do I use the library?
Information about the library in different languages can be found on the page. InfoFinland’s website has instructions on how to use library services in Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian, Estonian, French, Somali, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, Farsi and Arabic. Go to the website.
Information about Finnish libraries can be found in English on the Finnish public libraries website. Go to the Finnish public libraries website.
Multilingual library
In the multilingual library, you can borrow books and other works in languages that are not found in the library’s own collections. The collection of the multilingual library includes works in more than 80 languages for children, adolescents and adults. The library also has also music, movies, magazines, audiobooks and e-books.
The material is ordered to Kerava from Multilingual Library Helmet in Helsinki. The materials can be borrowed with a Kirkes library card. Go to the Multilingual Library’s website.
Russian-language library
The Russian-language library delivers materials all over Finland. Everyone living in Finland outside the Helsinki metropolitan area can use the free interlibrary service of the Russian-language library. More information about the Russian-language library can be found on Helmet’s website. Learn more about the Russian-language library.
Visiting the library
You can also visit the library as a group. We will tell you about the library’s services and guide you on the use of the library. Book a group visit from the library’s customer service.