Maintenance of green areas

The city maintains various green areas such as parks, playgrounds, green areas on streets, yards of public buildings, forests, meadows and fields.
Most of the maintenance work is carried out by the city, but the help of contractors is also needed. A large part of the winter maintenance of yards of properties and the mowing of lawns and meadows are contracted out. The city also has several framework agreement partners from whom the maintenance of water elements, collection of scrap wood, felling of trees and other work are contracted out. Active volunteer park attendants in Kerava are also a big help especially in cleaning.
The type of area determines maintenance
Green areas in Kerava are listed in the register of green areas according to the national RAMS 2020 classification. Green areas are divided into three main categories: urban green spaces, open green spaces and forests. Maintenance targets are always determined by the type of area.
Urban green spaces include, for example, highly developed parks, playgrounds, neighbourhood sports facilities and other areas intended for activities. In urban green spaces, the aim of maintenance is to ensure that areas can be used according to the original design and clean and safe.
To preserve biodiversity, in addition to urban parks with a high maintenance classification, it is also important to preserve more natural areas such as forests and meadows. Green networks and a diverse urban environment ensure movement and habitats for a wide variety of animals and organisms.
In the register of green spaces, these natural areas are classified as forests or different types of open spaces. Meadows and fields are typical open spaces. In open spaces, the purpose of maintenance is to promote biodiversity and to ensure that the areas can withstand the pressure imposed by human activity.
Kerava strives to operate in accordance with KESY sustainable environmental construction and maintenance framework.
Trees in parks and green spaces
If you see a tree that you suspect to be poor condition, please report it using the electronic form. After receiving the report, the city will visit the site to inspect the tree. After the inspection, the city will make a decision on report, which will be sent to the notifier by email.
To cut down a tree on your plot, you may need either a tree felling permit or a landscape work permit. For information about felling trees, situations in which a permit is required for felling and how to apply for a permit, see the city’s website. To avoid dangerous situations when felling a tree, it is recommended to use the services of a professional.