Addresses and names

Addresses and names guide to the correct location. Names also help create an identity for a place and serve as reminders of local history.

Residential areas, streets, parks and other public areas are given names in the town plan. When designing names, the goal is for the name to have a solid local historical or other connection to the environment, often the surrounding nature. If many names are needed in an area, the naming of the entire area can follow a specific theme.

Addresses are given according to the street and road names confirmed in the town plan. Address numbers for plots are issued when the property is formed and for buildings when the building permit is applied. Looking from the beginning of the street or road, even numbers are on the left side and odd numbers on the right side.

Changes in the town plan, plot divisions, street construction and other reasons may cause changes in street or road names or address numbering. Changes in addresses and street names are adopted according to the progress of the implementation of the town plan or when the new streets are opened for use. Property owners are informed of address changes well in advance before the change is implemented.

Marking addresses

The city is responsible for installing nameplates streets and roads Installing signs containing the street or road name or the name of a building along the street is not permitted in the intersection of a street or other traffic route. Along highways, the guidelines of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency on the placement of nameplates for city-maintained roads and private roads apply.